Hi All

Last Tuesday we had a lovely time with Simon D'Souza.

He discussed the variations of the bebop scale on dominant 7th chords and explained that it would take a lot of practice to get them ingrained in one's mind.

The different variations will give one more choices to add colour to your solos.

We then went on to use the first bebop scale on the tune  The Chicken by Jaco Pastorus.   you can find it on youtube .

Simon is back again on the 25 June.


This coming Tuesday we have a really good bassist Nigel Thomas

 A very good tutor who is thorough in his approach to helping one to understand note choices style and interpretation of jazz.

So please come along and join in the fun.

Music to follow.


Sax player Dave Black is Playing with Terry Seabrook on 24 June at the  Snowdrop Pub in Lewes should be a great night.


See you Tuesday
