Hi all

Last Tuesday Nigel Thomas was our tutor and he did a splendid job. He bought along one of his original pieces for us to look at called Egypt and as the title suggest it had an eastern air about it.  There was A and b section.                      The A section was based on the mi/maj 7 which was used for the solos which the members played with aplomb.

It was followed by Have you met Miss Jones the well known

Standard which has a tricky bridge. Nigel gave a good demonstration on how to negotiate it and suggested one does not have to fly around the changes to come up with an interesting solo.

 Dave Black has informed me he will not be playing at the Snowdrop Pub in Lewes this Monday but the good news is he will be there on Monday 19 July


This coming Tuesday our tutor was to be Simon D'Sousa but unfortunately he is indisposed.  So I am glad to say Mark Bassey has stepped in at short notice to take his place.

See you Tuesday.



I received the following email from Allan Graham
Dear Andre

Could you possibly bring a community festival to the attention of your co-op musicians in case they may be interested to participate or perform at this event 

Saturday 13th July - Whitehawk Festival in central Whitehawk - this year featuring a highly eclectic line up , a tea dance at the Crew Club - musicans required , and 2 outdoor music performance stages - one on the steps of ST Cuthmans church will suit more chilled sounds and the main performance stage will have samba bands, belly dancing, flamenco .... you name it ..


Anyone interested and available - just get them to contact me
Thank you very much