Brighton Jazz Co-op

Dear Co-op member

Last night a new 9 member committee met. This is my last Co-op email. Andre will be sending them out in the future so if you want your name taken off of the list please get back to me this week. Details of committee members will be up on the blog shortly. One of the first decisions was to change the name back to Brighton Jazz Co-op in view of the number of other workshops around.

Last night Julian Nicholas ran a fabulous session at The Verdict on a piece by Airto Moriara in 7/4. We all cracked it despite it being a tricky number. This will be revised next Tuesday and Sonny Rollins "Strode Road" which is attached will also be attacked. Strode Road is on Saxophone Collosus if you have the album and you will also be able to hear it on Youtube.

Attachements are also in Dropbox.
