Brighton Jazz Workshop - The Coop

BJW has been running for 26 years and since the first 6 months has totally been run by its members. It has put on high quality weekly workshops at very low cost employing some of the countries top jazz musicians. No one has been turned away and the complete spectrum of abilities has been reflected in attendees. At times it has effectively been run by a very few members and, over the past few years, a committee of about 8 people. Most participants have benefited with little input over and above paying subscriptions and attending. However we have reached a point where there is currently not enough people to do the administration. Jobs currently needing someon include treasurer (collecting the cash, paying the tutor, banking and keeping very simple accounts) booking tutors and locking up at The Verdict (a new job that we have not had to cover in the past). I recently wrote to you on behalf of the committee asking for new volunteers but there was no response. This is to let you know that, unless some new people do come forward this week, we will be closing the Coop. There are a number of other opportunities at differing levels for people to do improvisation workshops that did not exist a few years ago. It may be that the need for the Coop is no longer there. These include Saxshop, Brighton Jazz School, and Geoff Simkins workshops.

We will let you know in the weekly email at the end of this week whether the Coop will close.

Best wishes

On behalf of the committee
07514 569595