Jam Session Tuesday

Remember that the jam sessions have been put on to give you the chance to perform in a friendly and safe environment. So if you have not done so before - have a go. Bring a tune and join our world class (!) rhythm section for a display of whatever you've got - and you can play some music too!


Fwd: Steve Waterman, Pure Solo, Jazz FM and You

Steve Waterman, PureSolo, Jazz FM and You!

 Steve's teamed up with PureSolo and Jazz FM to offer you wonderful players a unique opportunity to experience the thrill of being mentored by, and playing or singing live with Steve and the band at the Pizza Express Jazz Club in London's Soho.

The lucky - and obviously talented- musicians and singers who enter (that means you!) will get to perform a selection of exclusive tracks and the winners will be carefully chosen by a panel which includes Steve himself!

Any instrumentalist or singer is eligible to enter - we really are looking forward to hearing you take on some great jazz!

The chance to work with Steve is rare. The chance to play live with him is unheard of - and the chance to play at one of the most famous jazz venues in the World? Well how could it get any better?

We are really looking forward to hearing your entries. Tune in to Jazz FM from 10th May to hear it all as it happens.

Laurence Jones on Tuesday


a reminder that the ever popular Laurence will be taking the workshop on Tuesday for a one night fling. The following week will be your chance to perform. Get your band together for the jam session and play what you want.


Kenny Garrett solo on Moon Alley transcription pdfs.

Hi Steve,  Thanks for the opportunity to teach at the Brighton Jazz Coop these last two weeks.   I enjoyed it thoroughly.   Please find attached pdfs of the first chorus of Kenny Garrett's solo on Moon Alley. (3 keys). martijn

Martijn van Galen

Martijn took us through Moon Alley and discussed transcribing solos. He had written out the Kenny Garrett solo on the tune but advised learning solos by heart before you write them out. The first solo you transcribe can take weeks to get right but it speeds up as you develop your ears. Each subsequent transcription gets faster. This is what many of the best tutors have been advising, Steve Waterman - who also said that Dave Liebman advised trascribing if you do nothing else, and Jake Goss, learn to hear it first, sing it, play it, then write it down if you feel you need to.

We also looked at Beatrice - the tune that is. The non functional harmony means learning what notes are common in subsequent chords, including the upper extensions. Martijn got us to play guidetones through the chords a semi-breve at a time moving a semitone or a tone.

Fwd: Music for tomorrow & upperstructure fix

Tomorrow I am planning on starting with MoonAlley and then moving on to Beatrice. Please find lead sheet for Beatrice in C, Bb, and Eb below as well as Upper Structure sheet I handed out last week with fixes. martijn

Martijn Van Galen will be leading the workshop on Tuesday


Fwd: Trumpet and Piano part fixes.

Some minor fixes have been completed to the trumpet and piano parts for Moon Alley. Please find attached below.   The parts there now are fine but the new ones just tighten things up.


more info on Martijn



Fwd: pdfs of Moon Alley for the Brighton Jazz Coop


a reminder that Martijn Van Galen will be taking tommorow nights session. Lead sheets attached again. Two people spotted last weeks deliberate mistake where I confused Tom Harrell with Jon Hassell, both great trumpet players but different styles. Harrell is classified as bost bop. Maybe we can get a Hassell tune organised some time as well but check them both out.

Fwd: pdfs of Moon Alley for the Brighton Jazz Coop


an early one for next week. I have attached the tune that Martijn will be teaching. Tom Harrell is a trumpet player worth checking out if you are into modern ambient influenced styles of jazz. He uses a lot of electronics on his recordings but is very much into melody.

Hi Steve,   I have decided to go pretty modern with my first stab at  teaching for the Brighton Jazz Coop in the form of a Tom Harrell composition.    Moon Alley is a song with a pretty simple chord progression but with a lot of interesting points within it not just from the composition but recording as well.   Please find  pdfs below of the score and parts for alto, trumpet, piano and bass.   Drums can use a piano part and tenor players can use the trumpet part and read up the octave.   Please note I have included the harmony lines on each horn part although usually the alto plays the lower part.  Please do feel free to post it this week so everyone can practice it if they desire. I will be bringing in some further notes for distribution as well.   martijn  


Fwd: Haiti benefit canceled

Hi all, sadly the haiti benefit at the town hall on the 6th of march has bean cancelled.

The next chance to see the South Cost Soul Review is on the 26 th of march at the Brunswick

Cheers, Tim