Fwd: pdfs of Moon Alley for the Brighton Jazz Coop


an early one for next week. I have attached the tune that Martijn will be teaching. Tom Harrell is a trumpet player worth checking out if you are into modern ambient influenced styles of jazz. He uses a lot of electronics on his recordings but is very much into melody.

Hi Steve,   I have decided to go pretty modern with my first stab at  teaching for the Brighton Jazz Coop in the form of a Tom Harrell composition.    Moon Alley is a song with a pretty simple chord progression but with a lot of interesting points within it not just from the composition but recording as well.   Please find  pdfs below of the score and parts for alto, trumpet, piano and bass.   Drums can use a piano part and tenor players can use the trumpet part and read up the octave.   Please note I have included the harmony lines on each horn part although usually the alto plays the lower part.  Please do feel free to post it this week so everyone can practice it if they desire. I will be bringing in some further notes for distribution as well.   martijn  
