Hi all

This Coming Tuesday 20 and the27 August we will be having Jam sessions and starting from 3 September we will start the Tutor lead workshops again our tutor will be Julian Nicholas.

Upcoming tutors are Mark Basses, Dave Black, and Terry Seabrook.

I trust over the last co-op year you have enjoyed the workshops you have attended and have benefited from the great tuition we have received from all our tutors.

With this in mind the committee has had to make the decision starting from the 3 September that the entry fee

To the workshops will go up by one pound so the concession fee will be £4.oo and the Full fee £7.oo.

We had to arrive at this decision as the outgoings have been exceeding the income.  And if it wasn't for the several people making donations earlier in the year to the co-op funds we would not have made it this far.

So I hope you will all continue to support your co-op.

 Plus you are receiving great tuition and also supporting our tutors who are professional musicians and live by their talent and hard work.

You hear Sax Player Dave Black at the Snowdrop Pub Lewes tomorrow Night Monday 19 August.
