Hi all

Last Tuesday we had sax player Dave Black as our tutor.

He took us through the following tunes.   Mercy,Mercy,mercy,

Bouncing With Bud and Little Sunflower all three being in a different style. The interesting thing is he went around to each person in turn and discussed their solos.  He managed to remember what each one had played notes choices and scales used etc. . He then went on to give advice on how to develop one's solos what to practice.

It was another wonderful evening and I was glad to be involved.

Below is an email from one of our members who was there.

Hello Andre, just a quick line to say what an inspired choice that was on Tuesday, having Dave take the workshop, to say I was on a high for a couple of days is an understatement, what a player, one of the best Tenor players I've heard for a long time I will have to make sure that next time he appears over at the Snowdrop in Lewes I catch him. Regards, John.


Dave is with us again this coming Tuesday so please make the effort to

Come along as it is a great opportunity to learn more about jazz playing with likeminded souls from some of the finest jazz musicians around at very little cost. Your participation is very important to the continuation of the co-op. it would be very sad to see it disappear due to lack of support.

 I look forward to seeing all you on Tuesday.
