From: Simon D'souza <>
Date: 16 November 2011 09:59
Subject: Re: BJMC

Hi Steve,
I have been asked to tutor on a jazz course over in Barcelona 5-8 April 2012.  I've got a flyer for it in pdf format and wondered if you would stick it on your website, along with a sentence along the lines of: 'Local jazz saxophonist and educator, Simon D'souza will be among the core team of tutors for this course'?  The course leader Clio Byrne, is a fabulous singer and educator in he rown right and in fact attended the Chichester Jazz Course some years ago, hence the link with myself.  Let me know if you need the information in any other format.
In other news we haven't had any masterclasses at Chichester this year so far but hope to get one in during the Spring term - I'll keep you posted, of course.
Best wishes
Simon D'souza
07796 032 867